Looking for a cgm atr login or cgm atr official website then here we are going to provide you perfect guide to get a information of cgm atr royality pass.
cgm is the commissioner of Geology and Mining department of Gujarat Government. Now day by day all government are going to online for all passes and official tenders.
There are few simple steps to get access your cgmatr account login to get your cgm atr royalty pass.
How to get a cgm atr login official website?
Step 1 : First you need to get official website of cgmatr [https://cgm.gujarat.gov.in/]
Step 2 : After that you see the Login Page of cgatr.
Step 3 : Now enter your user name, Password, Mobile Number and Captcha Code
Step 4 : After entering all information correctly you need to click on "Log In".
Now You enter your account. After that you check your cgm atr royalty pass and download you pass.
Did not Remember Password?
If you forgot your password then you must follow following steps.
Step 1 : First go to official website : https://cgmatr.ncode.in/CGM-ILMS/Login.aspx
Step 2 : Click on "Forgot Password ?" button
Step 3 : For Resetting your password you have to enter your "Username"
Step 4 : Click on "Send OTP"
Step 5 : After that using this OTP you reset your Password.
Now you have get a perfect Guide for cgm atr login.