DDOREQ | DDO Request Employee Pay Slip
DDREQ (DDO Request) for all Employee Payslip or Salary Slip online for both Andhra Pradesh Treasury and Telangana Treasury. In this article we are going to provide information about both ddoreq for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
DDOREQ Andra Pradesh Treasury
How to Download Andra Pradesh / AP Treasury Salary Slip
You want to download your AP Treasury Salary Slip then just go with steps given below.

- First goto official website : https://treasury.ap.gov.in/ddoreq/
- Then you can see the right hand side DDO Claims
- Just Enter your "DDO Code" and "Password"
- and Click on to "Submit" button.
You are Telegana Government Employee and want to download the Employee Pay Slip from ddoreq then just follow few of simple steps and download it..

- First go to official website : https://treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq/index.php?service=emppayslippdf
- Then just Enter your "Empcode" and "Month and Year"
- Click on to "Submit" Button
Incoming Search Terms:
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ddoreq employee details
AP Treasury Salary Slip